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LaunchVic: $50,000 Matched Funding For Victorian MedTech Startups

March 15, 2024

$50,000 matched funding is now available through the MedTech Market Growth Program, a collaboration between the Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre and LaunchVic, Victoria’s startup agency.

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Software as a Medical Device: Meeting Clinical Evidence Requirements

March 07, 2024

The inclusion of medical devices onto the Therapeutic Goods Administration's (TGA’s) Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) requires manufacturers to demonstrate that their device meets specific safety and performance characteristics and has been designed and manufactured in accordance with the Essential Principles.

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5 Steps to Obtaining ISO 13485:2016 Certification

February 26, 2024

For most medical device manufacturers, the roadmap to market will start with ISO 13485:2016 certification. Obtaining an ISO 13485:2016 certificate is evidence that the Quality Management System in place is compliant with international standards and is a key component of a registration package with the regulators.

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SeerPharma Welcomes Over 95 Postgraduate Students Studying GMP at UTS

February 20, 2024

SeerPharma welcomes the 2024 Autumn cohort of students studying Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). The program continues to grow from strength to strength, and we’re thrilled to see a record number of enrolments, with over 95 new students joining us this year. The course continues to attract and engage...

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ISO 62366-1:2015 – Usability Engineering

February 13, 2024

As medical devices become more sophisticated, adaptable to technological advances and accessible to the public, it is critical that companies ensure they have developed a robust program of usability engineering, to minimize the risk of incorrect usage, and create devices that are easy to use, intuitive and safe.

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2024 Pharmaceutical Industry Trends

February 05, 2024

Discover the latest pharmaceutical quality and manufacturing trends.

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MasterControl Webinar: Medical Device Quality & Manufacturing Trends

January 31, 2024

SeerPharma are strategic partners with market leading software solution provider – MasterControl. Our partnership, over the last 7 years, has seen us deploy this solution to digitise Quality and Manufacturing workflows to over 75 companies.

MasterControl is running a webinar on current industry trends facing Quality and Manufacturing professionals...

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2024 Medical Device Industry Trends

January 22, 2024

Discover the 2024 Trends Shaping Medical Device Quality and Manufacturing

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Infographic: Performance Snapshot for 2023

January 17, 2024

INFOGRAPHIC:  A snapshot of how SeerPharma supported its clients with Quality and GMP Best-Practices in 2023 through QA & GMP Consulting, Auditing, Training and MasterControl "Qx" electronic Quality Management Systems (eQMS) & "Mx" Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) with electronic Batch Records (eBR).

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Webinar: Why Industry 4.0 Will Be A Regulatory Compliance Game Changer

January 11, 2024

KENX is a leading knowledge exchange network in the life sciences industry, at the forefront of coordinating and running events focused on making pharmaceuticals and devices safer. The organisation achieves this by bringing together regulators and industry leaders to address the latest industry trends, regulatory changes, business challenges and...

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