SeerPharma Blog

Online GMP Training Helps 10,000 People

Written by SeerPharma | Nov 20, 2017 12:02:00 AM

SeerPharma reached a milestone this quarter with the 10,000th trainee going through our cloud-based online GMP training, "E-learning".

The count excludes the number of trainees that used our original CD-based product and the number of trainees at client sites using our e-learning modules in their own in-house Learning Management System (LMS).

You too can leverage SeerPharma's subject matter expertise by using our GMP E-learning courses to deliver effective induction and refresher training through consistent, engaging and memorable content, while freeing-up resources to support other important tasks.

Incorporating FDA, EU and PIC/S GMPs, SeerPharma's online GMP training can help you optimise your induction and refresher training programs.

Visit to learn more.

Contact us to discuss your needs and how we can help.

This post comes from our October 2017 Journal.  You may also be interested in: